Entries in Immigration (4)



The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (Public Law 114-113), signed into law by President Obama on December 18, 2015, increases fees for certain H-1B and L-1 petitioners. These petitioners must submit an additional fee of $4,000 for certain H-1B petitions and $4,500 for certain L-1A and L-1B petitions postmarked on or after December 18, 2015.

The additional fees apply to petitioners who employ 50 or more employees in the United States, with more than 50 percent of those employees in H-1B or L (including L-1A and L-1B) nonimmigrant status. These petitioners must submit the additional fees with an H-1B or L-1 petition filed:

  • Initially to grant status to a nonimmigrant described in subparagraph (H)(i)(b) or (L) of section 101(a)(15) of the Immigration and Nationality Act; or
  • To obtain authorization for a nonimmigrant in such status to change employers.

This fee is in addition to the base processing fee, Fraud Prevention and Detection Fee, American Competitiveness and Workforce Improvement Act of 1998 fee (when required), as well as the premium processing fee, if applicable. Public Law 114-113 fees will remain effective through September 30, 2025.



As a result of the FY2016 omnibus appropriations bill passed on December 18, 2015, the supplemental fees for L-1 and H-1B petitions are increasing for companies that employ 50 or more employees in the United States and have more than 50 percent of their U.S. workforce in H-1B, L-1A, or L-1B nonimmigrant status. Specifically, the previously expired fees for L-1 petitions will increase from $2,250 to $4,500, and the fees for H-1B petitions will increase from $2,000 to $4,000. These supplemental fees must be paid on initial and extension petitions.



DV 2016 Program DV-2016 Info is HERE:

Online registration for the DV 2016 Program will begin on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)  or 11:00 am Central Time, and will conclude on Monday, November 3, 2014 at 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), or 11:00 am Central Time.

For more info click HERE

Filing Instructions available HERE



The USCIS published a final rule this week on a new adjudication process for unlawful presence waivers. The new process is effective March 4, 2013. It is designed to remove some of the uncertainty and delay in consular processing for people subject to unlawful presence inadmissibility. Under the current process, all applicants for permanent residency who are consular processing must submit their waivers for unlawful presence after they are found inadmissible at the consular interview. They must then wait abroad for adjudication of the waiver, which is a process that may take several months or more. Under the new process, immigrant visa applicants in the immediate relative category may apply for a "provisional waiver" before departing for the consular interview if they are (a) inadmissible solely based on unlawful presence, and (b) can show extreme hardship to a USC spouse or parent.